Then they came, bringing a paralytic to Him, who had been picked up and carried by four men. And when they could not get him to a place in front of Jesus because of the throng, they dug through the roof above Him; and when they had scooped out an opening they let down the mat upon which the paralyzed man lay. And when Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralyzed man, "son, your sins are forgiven". Mark 2: 3-5
Oh, there is so much goody to unwrap in this passage! I mean, talk about the circle of faith-filled men that the paralytic man had around him! I don't know if the four that carried him were friends or family but they were determined to get him to Jesus. It makes me look at my own circle and think of who my "four" have been in my most difficult times? I may not have been physically paralyzed, but I have felt emotionally and spiritually paralyzed and needed others to carry me to the feet of Jesus. In other times, I've helped carry a friend who was grieving or seeking help. I have two friends who were once convinced they were barren, as they were both having trouble conceiving. I prayed for them as fervently as if it were my own womb. Recently, another friend reached out to me when her marriage was in trouble. I was faithful to pray for her and her husband as if it were my own marriage in turmoil.
I've known the feeling of wanting to be pregnant and month after month, no baby. I've had trouble in my marriage. I've suffered loss. I've sunken into isolation to grieve and lick my wounds. But I can honestly say that my pain made me more compassionate and empathetic towards others in pain. I imagine the four men that carried the paralyzed man knew their own sorrows, too. I'm sure each of them had their own hypothetical mat that they carried but they saw the Lord work miracles and knew that Jesus could heal their friend! They saw that it wouldn't be easy to get him there, but they persisted. They broke through barriers together. It was their faith that carried the man and they were there to witness the healing and rejoice with him! What an incredible moment for them. I can only speculate what happened after the man took up his mat and went home. Did he have family waiting at home as he burst through the door? His neighbors all saw a life transformed by Jesus. And what about the testimonies of the men who carried him there? As they all went back to their homes, I can imagine them sitting around their tables and retelling the story again and again!
Friend, as you are reading this, know that I am praying for you. Whatever your mat may be (fear, depression, disbelief, sin) I am praying for you and that God will speak to your heart, just like Jesus spoke to the paralyzed man. I also pray for the friends that have carried me... that the Lord would see their faith, just as He saw the faith of the four men, and bless them. I'm so thankful for them; friends and family both. If you need prayer, you can message me at halcyondalecottage@gmail.com with the subject: CARRY and I will commit to pray for you. Until next time, friend... may the LORD bless you and keep you!