The 2017-2018 flu season has proven to be a dangerous one. To date, 50 people have died in Georgia alone, including healthy adults and children. Reports are coming in that the vaccine wasn't effective in preventing it, either. ERs are's offices are full. YIKES! How can we stay well and prevent spreading germs? How can we recover more quickly if we do become sick?
First, a little common sense...make sure that you wash your hands often, particularly if you've handled knobs, gas pumps, and used any type of public facility. If you can, avoid restaurants, public playgrounds, public transportation, and optional public events. If your immune system is compromised, you may want to wear a mask in public (especially if you're visiting the doctor's office, hospital, pharmacies, or church.) Influenza is spread by coughing and sneezing, so cover your face with your elbow (do not cough/sneeze into your hand!) If you are sick, STAY HOME! Influenza is highly contagious!
Here are a few basic remedies that we practice during allergy, cold, and flu season. It keeps me and my family well, and I hope it helps you! Be sure to check age and weight recommendations from the manufacturer before using.

Essential Oils
When choosing essential oils, it's important to use oils made by trusted companies. In our home, we keep pure, quality tested oils in stock year-round for various uses. I prefer using eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, clove oil, lavender, frankincense, and tea tree oil (to name a few) for general wellness. Let's take a look at the oils my family uses...
Eucalyptus oil
My personal favorite, especially when treating the flu or a cold, is eucalyptus oil. Eucalyptus works as an expectorant and helps cleanse your body of toxins and the harmful microorganisms that can make us sick. We use it as a breathing treatment when we have a cough or congestion. To make the steam treatment, simply heat water to a steam, adding 10 drops of eucalyptus oil. I like to sit over the steam with a towel hooded over my head and shoulders (careful, it's HOT!) Breathing in the vapors, I keep tissues close by, because it breaks up congestion QUICKLY! When I'm congested, I use the steam treatment three times a day. It helps treat a sore throat, settles a cough, and has cured me of sinusitis and bronchitis. You may want to consider investing in a diffuser for your home, or maybe even your work place to purify the air, as it acts as an air purifier, too!
Tea Tree Oil
This is a super oil! Tea Tree Oil is antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic,and antiviral! I add this oil to our liquid hand soaps (15-20 drops) and to my natural cleaning solution. Keeping your home disinfected is easy, safe (and inexpensive) with this formula... In a spray bottle, I add together 2 cups of water, 1/4-1/2 cup of vinegar, 20-30 drops of tea tree oil, 10 drops of peppermint oil, and 10 drops of rosemary oil. You can use any mixture of essential oils that you like... I often switch out the rosemary oil with peppermint oil, lemon, or lavender. Peppermint and lavender make a nice combination, too! I use this solution to mop my floors, wipe down surfaces, and clean the RV! It works great, and I don't have to worry about using dangerous chemicals around my family.
I could go on and on about essential oils! These are just few basic uses of the oils that even a beginner can feel confident using RIGHT NOW!
Elderberry Syrup
Ah, elderberry syrup! I believe in the effectiveness of elderberry syrup because I have seen it work time and time again! I use it weekly as a precautionary measure during flu season to build up my immune system, but if anyone in the family comes down with a cold, our entire family will all take one to two doses daily until everyone is well. When sick, I take it as directed on the box, typically four times a day, and I'm feeling much better within 48 hours! Considering the flu usually lasts 7-10 days, I'd say that elderberry syrup is very effective in treating it, especially since it has antiviral properties!
A word of caution... raw elderberries are toxic! It is not toxic when boiled down into a syrup. Some people make their own elderberry syrup using honey, but I haven't made it, so I can't recommend any particular recipe. If you have a tried and true recipe, please leave it in the comments! We use Sambucol Immune with zinc and echinacea added.
It is suggested that Oscillococcinum doesn't have any benefits beyond that of a sugar pill, and that may very well be true, but I have used it and my friends have used it with great results. Trails have shown that it doesn't prevent the flu but it does reduce the severity and duration of it (some sugar pill, huh?) I take it as directed when sick with flu-like symptoms, but if I have been exposed to the flu, I will begin taking it once daily (along with the elderberry syrup) until everyone in the house is well. This year, many places were sold out of Oscillococcinum, as reports emerged of a commonly prescribed medication for the flu was making people sick and/or was sold out. It has worked for us and I will continue to use it.
Detox Bath

Another major symptom of the flu is body aches. One way I combat the sore muscles is to indulge in a lavender detox bath. First, I drink a glass of water. This is an important first step to detoxification. Then, I draw the bath water, getting it hot as I can stand it. To the water, I add 1 cup of Epsom salts, 1/2 cup baking soda,15-20 drops of lavender oil, and 10-15 drops of frankincense oil. I lay down in the water up to my neck, allowing the bath to draw out the toxins through my skin and into the water. I sit in the bath until the water cools, careful to not be tempted to re-warm the water (very important.) I take a clean (no soap, only water) washcloth and wipe down my skin to remove any additional toxins that may be settled on the surface, then I drain the tub water. I then take a cool shower, wiping down my skin once again with another clean washcloth. The cool water closes my pores, so I proceed to shower as normal. Lastly, I drink another glass of water. DETOX BREAKDOWN: The magnesium in the Epsom salt soothes sore muscles. The baking soda neutralizes the water's ph, and the lavender oil helps with relaxation (perfect for bedtime!) The frankincense oil is very good for your skin. It also helps with focus and clarity. For this reason, I like to listen to worship music while taking my detox bath. A word of caution... hot baths can elevate your bp if you're prone to hypertension. Also, I wouldn't recommend using lavender oil if you're male... lavender oil used topically can enlarge breast buds. Also, I don't recommend taking hot baths if you're running a fever, as it does increase body temperature slightly.
Tried & True Tips...

Lemon Water: Works great for sore throats and is loaded with vitamin C! Also, it's soothing when warmed with honey and sprinkled with cinnamon. Even if you don't like lemon, hydration is so important!
Green tea: Full of antioxidants,so drink as much of it as you can stomach, around six cups a day...but be sure to use a good quality, organic tea! I like to drink it without any sweetener, but if you like it sweetened, try using raw honey instead of processed sugars and artificial sweeteners.
Gut Health: There is a direct correlation between gut health and our immune system. Prebiotics, probiotics, yogurt, vitamins, fermented foods, okra, and other fiber-rich foods are good for your gut, so they're important to a healthy immune system, too. Note that when you are taking in a lot of vitamin C that it may cause loose stools.
Sleep: I am a firm believer that rest is good medicine! Don't overdo it and push yourself too soon. You can relapse when you push too hard, too fast. Invest in a good humidifier to help you breathe easier while sleeping. Lavender will help you rest, and eucalyptus will help clear your sinuses (given you're not allergic!)
Mask: Using a bandana or face mask with a few drops of eucalyptus oil can be helpful in warding off germs. It must cover both your nose and mouth. Also, avoid touching your face (includes rubbing your eyes) until you've had a chance to wash your hands with soap. It is important to wash your hands with soap (soap binds to germs) for at least 30 seconds. Don't rely on hand-sanitizer to clean your hands! Wash your hands throughout the day and after possible exposure to germs.
Prayer: I'm a believer in prayer. I've seen it work! Take time throughout your day to pray for your family, friends, pastor, neighbors, co-workers, and yourself. Call and check in on your sick neighbors or maybe send them a card to let them know that you're praying for them. Encouragement goes a long way when someone is ill. God still hears our prayers and he's still answering them!
Other: Saline nose spray works wonders and doesn't interact with other medications. Used correctly, it can help prevent sinusitis and control mucous. If you've been sick, replace your toothbrush or you'll risk re-infecting yourself! When you've been sick, give yourself some time to recuperate and rebuild your immune system. Stay away from sugary foods and too much caffeine. Nutrition is so very important! Also, if you have a preexisting condition, like diabetes, recovery time varies and complications can arise when you're fighting off germs. Keeping a journal of blood glucose levels will be helpful when trying to understand how your body reacts to certain herbs, foods and/or supplements. For instance, honey WILL make your blood sugar rise and cinnamon has been known to make blood sugar drop. Okra is high in vitamin K, so if you are on a blood thinner, that may not be a wise food choice. My point is, do your homework. There is no one size fits all when it comes to managing your health!
Disclaimer: This information is not meant to replace medical advice or care given to you by your doctor. Seek care from a medical professional that you trust. Note that allergic reactions can occur in natural products. Be wise and test oils, syrups, etc first before using. Some oils cannot be ingested, so do your homework before using any homeopathic method, including those mentioned here. In case of emergency, call 911.