I try to keep harsh chemicals at a minimum, but the truth is that most of us (me included) just can't eliminate everything. So, the next best option is to eliminate it as much as possible. With that, the next challenge is finding something that works but doesn't stink to high heaven (like vinegar.) I, personally, strongly dislike the smell of vinegar but it is a great cleaner and disinfectant. The solution? Find a way to take the edge off the strong scent by infusing it with all natural, healthy smell-goods!
To make this solution you'll need:
1 cup distilled vinegar
5 drops orange and/or lemon essential oil or zest of 1 orange and/or 1 lemon
1-2 sprigs fresh rosemary or 5 drops rosemary essential oil
1 stick cinnamon
1 tsp cloves
10 drops Tea Tree Oil* (optional)
Mason jar and lid
1 cup distilled water
Be sure you begin with a clean mason jar and lid. Pour everything into the jar then pour vinegar over the ingredients. I happened to have a packet of dehydrated orange peels and spices left over from the Christmas Potpourri we made back in December, so I just used that packet. I simply added the essential oils and fresh rosemary to it. You can get very creative here using different herbs (i.e. lavender or mint) and spices but I encourage you to check compatibility when mixing anything -- whether it's because of allergies or actual incompatible solutions that aren't safe when mixed together (i.e. vinegar and bleach create a toxic chlorine gas). Please keep that in mind when researching ingredients that you may already have on hand.
Next, tightly secure the lid and put the vinegar in a dark, cool place and let it sit for 1 week. Every other day, without opening, give the jar a soft tilt to stir and mix the spices through the vinegar. The solution will turn light brown from the cinnamon.
Check the solution after one week. You can leave it to sit for 2 weeks max. Once it is ready, then you'll need to strain it, leaving only the vinegar solution (throwing away the strained ingredients). Transfer the vinegar solution to a spray bottle then add to it 1 cup of distilled water. It will smell amazing and so fresh PLUS it's safer than most chemical cleaners. Add a spray nozzle top and be sure to shake well with each use. That's it! A healthy cleaning solution for your home!
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*Tea tree oil is toxic to animals. This solution is for cleaning purposes only. Do not sniff, drink, or get this solution in your eyes. Do not use for cooking. Again, do your homework to make sure vinegar can be used on specific surfaces in your home like marble or granite, etc. I have wood counter tops, so this wouldn't be a concern specifically for me but it may be for you.