I woke up to the sound of rain on our metal roof this morning... calming and constant, generating a feeling of renewal and cleansing. The calm leads me to thinking about my Creator and how He orchestrates each raindrop. I think about the thirsty earth as it soaks up each precious drop and how He replenishes the earth's bodies of water and washes away the kicked up, misplaced dust. As I lay there staring at the dawn --all warm in my bed-- the soft rain filters the light of the sunrise as it trickles through my window onto my white duvet. The dawn signifies a new beginning.
Sometimes, exactly what we need is a new beginning...
Last year, I could only see a storm that persisted through the night, into the next day, the next week, and ultimately lasting the next several months. My projected path was as dry as a desert...no water in sight and no respite. Instead of sunlight and a gentle washing of rain, I accumulated so much stale dust and misplaced dirt! How'd I get there? That question led me to ask even more difficult questions, like "am I brave enough to do the things that will bring about change, REAL change?" Up to that point, I asked the wrong questions, like"why are THEY.... don't THEY realize.... why can't THEY." I was becoming a victim of circumstance before pausing to take a deeper look at myself, (which did not reflect--- Him.) Puzzled at what direction to go in, storm clouds behind me, to the side of me, and an unknown path before me, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I imagined Jesus sitting across from me, patiently listening with a soft smile on His face (like He knows something, and I've forgotten that I know it, too! ) Waiting for me to stop talking and just listen, He stays right there with me, knowing it was so common for me to get caught up in life, focused only on the things of this world. Before I knew it, I realized that weariness had taken hold. I became tired of the struggle. I became discouraged and hardened.... and as much as I hated to admit it, I was losing hope....and you'd better believe that the enemy was trying his best to distract me and keep me there. In the eye of the storm, I was debilitated, paralyzed, and choking on the dry taste of regret. The enemy was ready for me to pass through the oncoming wall of the storm...exposed and unequipped to handle the strongest winds... leading me into darkness and then declaring loudly, "there is no hope for you, for this."
But, hold on. I don't believe that...
God is so good to remind us that we can weather the storm. We read in Lamentations that there is a dismal backdrop of sorrow and sadness. There was a hopelessness there that acknowledged the reality of pain, grief, and tragedy. But something else arose out of the ashes of affliction... HOPE!
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” (Lamentations 3:22–24)
Long, loooong ago when I was in high school, I was fortunate enough to be in the SHS concert choir, led by the talented Dianne Crestopoulos. In my freshman year, she directed us in singing "You are the New Day." We loved this song, but not nearly as much as she did. She would close her eyes as her hands softly flowed to and fro, orchestrating our voices. I'm sure we sounded nothing like the King's Singers, but we were hers. Her patience and love of music and for us (yes, she was THAT kind of teacher) helped us to love and appreciate that song and each other. Before we knew it, our eyes were closed, too. Soon, no sheet music was needed...We felt the song. Harmony filled the room. In that moment, no matter what was happening outside of those four walls, we were one voice.... all under her direction.
I can't help but believe that the body of Christ should flow in that same harmonic flow under the direction of the Holy Spirit... and I know that the first note of that song requires that I open my mouth and utter the words "You are the new day, Jesus." It starts with me recognizing that His mercies are new every morning! In Him, lies my HOPE!
If I can remember to pause and position myself from the perspective of my salvation, and not from this world, then my perception changes...suddenly, each day is a new day in Christ Jesus. He is the author of my song and the Holy Spirit, it's conductor... if I only close my eyes, embrace His presence, and open my mouth to sing of His mercies, then the path becomes illuminated by His truth.
1 John 1:5 reads, "...God is light; in Him there is no darkness." Whatever storm we face, He is the light that guides our steps and the song that resides in our hearts if only we listen to His voice.
So, I challenge you to lay down your troubles, close your eyes, and embrace HIS presence on this NEW DAY! Lift Him up and He'll lift you out of the stale dirt and brush the dust right off of your weary soul! Amen?!?

Here are the lyrics to the song and a link to listen (click on song title.) I hope you enjoy it as much as I still do.
I will love you more than me and more than yesterday If you can but prove to me you are the new day
Send the sun in time for dawn Let the birds all hail the morning Love of life will urge me say you are the new day
When I lay me down at night knowing we must pay Thoughts occur that this night might stay yesterday
Thoughts that we as humans small could slow worlds and end it all lie around me where they fall before the new day
One more day when time is running out for everyone Like a breath I knew would come I reach for the new day
Hope is my philosophy Just needs days in which to be
Love of life means hope for me born on a new day
You are the new day
*Song Rights Reserved By John David. Arranged by Peter Knight.